ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

11月号:Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Volume 18 Number 11 November 2016


成猫と子猫の去勢時に使用する注射用麻酔剤: 麻酔覚醒に関わるメデトミジン、デクスメデトミジン、アチパメゾールの影響
Injectable anaesthesia for adult cat and kitten castration: effects of medetomidine, dexmedetomidine and atipamezole on recovery
Natalie Bruniges, Polly M Taylor, and David Yates
猫のミルタザピン (mirtazapine)中毒: 84症例の後向き研究 (2006 - 2011)
Mirtazapine toxicity in cats: retrospective study of 84 cases (2006-2011)
Leah E Ferguson, Mary Kay McLean, Julia A Bates, and Jessica M Quimby
Effect of intramuscular methadone on pharmacokinetic data and thermal and mechanical nociceptive thresholds in the cat
Louisa S Slingsby, John W Sear, Polly M Taylor, and Joanna C Murrell
猫の術後疼痛管理: モルヒネあるいはメタドンとリドカインの硬膜外同時投与による先制鎮痛の臨床トライアル
Postoperative pain control in cats: clinical trials with pre-emptive lidocaine epidural co-administered with morphine or methadone
Rafael DeRossi, Larissa Correa Hermeto, Paulo Henrique Affonseca Jardim, Natalia de Andrade Bicudo, and Klebs Tavares de Assis
猫の過敏性皮膚炎をコントロールするためのシクロスポリンの標的用量7.0 mg/kg (3.2 mg/lb)についての評価についての確認フィールド調査
Confirmatory field study for the evaluation of ciclosporin at a target dose of 7.0 mg/kg (3.2 mg/lb) in the control of feline hypersensitivity dermatitis
Elizabeth S Roberts, Cindy Speranza, Cecilia Friberg, Craig Griffin, Jean Steffan,Linda Roycroft, and Stephen King
Clinical efficacy and safety following dose tapering of ciclosporin in cats with hypersensitivity dermatitis
Elizabeth S Roberts, Tiffany Tapp, Ann Trimmer, Linda Roycroft, and Stephen King
Analgesic efficacy of intraperitoneal administration of bupivacaine in cats
Javier Benito, Beatriz Monteiro, Anne-Marie Lavoie, Guy Beauchamp, B Duncan X Lascelles, and Paulo V Steagall
Evaluation of a modified Karnofsky score to assess physical and psychological wellbeing of cats in a hospital setting
Elien RL Taffin, Dominique Paepe, Miguel Campos, Luc Duchateau, Nesya Goris,Katrien De Roover, and Sylvie Daminet
Evaluation of oral maropitant as an antiemetic in cats receiving morphine and dexmedetomidine
Manuel Martin-Flores, Daniel M Sakai, Alicia Mastrocco, McKenzie M Learn, Luis Campoy, Pati J Kirch, Jordyn M Boesch, and Robin D Gleed
Evaluation of meloxicam for the treatment of obstructive feline idiopathic cystitis
Roswitha Dorsch, Friederike Zellner, Bianka Schulz, Carola Sauter-Louis, and Katrin Hartmann


甲状腺クリーゼ: この症候群は猫に実在するか?
Thyroid storm: does this syndrome really exist in cats?
Mark E Peterson
猫の尿検査: 尿中タンパク/クレアチニン比の測定
Urinalysis in the cat: measurement of urine protein:creatinine ratio
Adam Heeley, Sue Foster, and George Reppas