ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 飼い猫のストレス: 行動上の変化と幸福の意義
- Stress in owned cats: behavioural changes and welfare implications
Marta Amat, Tomas Camps, and Xavier Manteca
- 糖尿病猫における高血糖の回帰
- Rebound hyperglycaemia in diabetic cats
Kirsten Roomp and Jacquie Rand
- 猫の非再生生免疫介在性貧血: 15症例の症状と転帰
- Feline non-regenerative immune-mediated anemia: features and outcome in 15 cases
Victoria Black, Sophie Adamantos, Dominic Barfield, and Severine Tasker
- シェルター猫の慢性上部呼吸器感染症に対する鼻腔内ワクチン投与と高用量インターフェロンα2b治療の評価
- Evaluation of intranasal vaccine administration and high-dose interferon α2b therapy for treatment of chronic upper respiratory tract infections in shelter cats
Audra Fenimore, Kasey Carter, Jeffrey Fankhauser, Jennifer R Hawley, and Michael R Lappin
- 漏斗胸: 10頭の仔猫におけるコンピュータ断層撮影と外科手術の中期的な結果に関する前向きコーホート研究
- Pectus excavatum: computed tomography and medium-turm surgical outcome in a prospective cohort of 10 kittens
Timothy M Charlesworth, Tobias Schwarz, and Christopher P Sturgess
- 猫における超音波と神経電気定位法を用いた大腿神経を遮断するための背側アプローチ法の検証
- Validation of the dorsal approach for the blockade of the femoral nerve using ultrasound and nerve electrolocation in cats
Paulina Haro, Francisco Laredo, Francisco Gil, Eliseo Belda, Maria D Ayala, Marta Soler, and Amalia Agut
- 猫の金属関連性外傷: 65症例のレビュー (2012-2014)
- Metal projectile injuries in cats: review of 65 cases (2012-2014)
Drazen Vnuk, Hrvoje Capak, Valentina Gusak, Drazen Maticic, Maja Popovic, and Nika Brkljaca Bottegaro
- 猫の骨関節症に対するロベナコキシブの臨床上の安全性: 無作為、盲検的、プラセボ対象臨床試験の結果
- Clinical safety of robenacoxib in feline osteoarthritis: results of a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Jonathan N King, Stephen King, Steven C Budsberg, B Duncan X Lascelles, Stephen E Bienhoff, Linda M Roycroft, and Elizabeth S Roberts
- 猫の疼痛評価スケールを用いたケタミンとアルファキサンの効果比較
- Effects of ketamine and alfaxalone on application of a feline pain assessment scale
Mandy Buisman, Marika C Wagner, Michelle MM Hasiuk, Melanie Prebble, Laura Law, and Daniel SJ Pang
- 個人飼育の猫における異食と咀嚼行動の特徴: 症例対照研究
- Characterization of pica and chewing behavior in privately owned cats: a case-controlled study
Isabelle Demontigny-Bedard, Guy Beauchamp, Marie-Claude Belanger, and Diane Frank
- 猫免疫不全症ウイルス感染症の猫と甲状腺機能亢進症の猫における血清中ならびに尿中シスタチンC
- Serum and urinary cystatin C in cats with feline immunodeficiency virus infection and cats with hyperthyroidism
Liesbeth FE Ghys, Dominique Paepe, Elien RL Taffin, Eva Vandermeulen, Luc Duchateau, Pascale MY Smets, Joris Delanghe, and Sylvie Daminet
- 猫における胸水貯留の病態生理を分類するためのLightの基準とアルブミン濃度の診断的価値
- Diagnostic value of Light’s criteria and albumin gradient in classifying the pathophysiology of pleural effusion formation in cats
Andrea Zoia and Michele Drigo
- 血液動態の反応によって評価した全身麻酔深度に対する音楽ジャンルの影響に関するパイロット研究
- A pilot study exploring the effects of musical genres on the depth of general anesthesia assessed by haemodynamic responses
Filipa Mira, Alexandra Costa, Eva Mendes, Pedro Azevedo, and L Miguel Carreira
- 下痢流行中のキャッテリーにおける猫ジアルジア症の治療: 糞便中の抗菌剤抵抗性Escherichia coliの潜在的影響
- Treatment of feline giardiasis during an outbreak of diarrhea in cattery: potential effects on faecal Escherichia coli resistance patterns
Kristoffer Relling Tysnes, Katrien Luyckx, Leon Cantas, and Lucy J Robertson
- 副腎摘出術: 術後の生存性データ
- Adrenalectomy: postoperative survival data
William Ray Folger, Orla Mahony, and Bruce A Barton