ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 猫の注射部位肉腫の補助療法としての根治的で精密な分割放射線治療と緩和的で粗雑な分割放射線治療の比較
- Comparison of definitive-intent finely fractionated and palliative-intent coarsely fractionated radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment of feline microscopic injection-site sarcoma
Federica Rossi, Laura Marconato, Silvia Sabattini, Simona Cancedda, Paola Laganga, Vito F Leone, Carla Rohrer Bley
- ドイツで飼育されている猫のワクチン接種歴と飼い主のワクチンに対する考え方に関する調査
- A survey of vaccine history in German cats and owners’ attitudes to vaccination
Anne-Claire Gehrig, Katrin Hartmann, Felix Gunther, Andre Klima, Gabriele Habacher, Michele Bergmann
- ウェブベースで猫のQOLに関わる一般的な健康関連項目をチェックできる機器の開発と初期検証ならびに信頼性試験
- Development, initial validation and reliability testing of a web-based, generic feline health-related quality-of-life instrument
Cory E Noble, Lesley M Wiseman-Orr, Marian E Scott, Andrea M Nolan, Jacky Reid
- 供血を行う猫に対する鎮静、回復ならびに静脈穿刺の容易さに関する2つの筋肉内鎮静プロトコルの比較
- Comparison of two intramuscular sedation protocols on sedation, recovery and ease of venipuncture for cats undergoing blood donation
Rebecca C Reader, Bruce A Barton, Amanda L Abelson
- 猫の歯肉炎/口内炎に関連する微生物の保有率
- Prevalence of microorganisms associated with feline gingivostomatitis
Hitoshi Nakanishi, Masaru Furuya, Takehisa Soma, Yoshiki Hayashiuchi, Ryusaku Yoshiuchi, Makoto Matsubayashi, Hiroyuki Tani, Kazumi Sasai
- 覚醒している臨床的に正常な猫にテルミサルタンの経口投与を行った場合の間接的な収縮期動脈血圧の下降に関する評価
- Evaluation of orally administered telmisartan for the reduction of indirect systolic arterial blood pressure in awake, clinically normal cats
Amanda E Coleman, Scott A Brown, Marcus Stark, Lawrence Bryson, Alicia Zimmerman, Tanja Zimmering, Anne M Traas
- 猫の糖尿病性ケトアシドーシスの治療に対するインスリン・リスプロの使用
- Use of lispro insulin for treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis in cats
Eleonora Malerba, Michela Mazzarino, Francesca Del Baldo, Sara Corradini, Gaia Carotenuto, Massimo Giunti, Federico Fracassi
- 循環無細胞DNAはびまん性虹彩メラノーマの猫において診断上の利点を持たない
- Circulating cell-free DNA does not harbour a diagnostic benefit in cats with feline diffuse iris melanomas
Jessica G Rushton, Reinhard Ertl, Dieter Klein, Alexander Tichy, Barbara Nell
- 猫伝染性腹膜炎に罹患した猫と対照群のパラフィン包埋組織における猫コロナウイルス変異の検出
- Detection of feline coronavirus mutations in paraffin-embedded tissues in cats with feline infectious peritonitis and controls
Laura Sangl, Kaspar Matiasek, Sandra Felten, Stefanie Grundl, Michele Bergmann, Hans-Jorg Balzer, Nikola Pantchev, Christian M Leutenegger, Katrin Hartmann
- 静脈穿刺に使用される針ゲージが猫の止血に及ぼす影響
- Influence of needle gauge used for venipuncture on measures of hemostasis in cats
Susanna Solbak, Steven E Epstein, Kate Hopper
- 中耳炎/内耳炎に関連した頭蓋内合併症が推定される猫の臨床像と短期的な転帰:19頭の猫に関する多施設後ろ向き研究(2009-2017)
- Clinical features and short-term outcome of presumptive intracranial complications associated with otitis media/interna: a multi-center retrospective study of 19 cats (2009-2017)
Sarah A Moore, R Timothy Bentley, Sheila Carrera-Justiz, Kari D Foss, Ronaldo C da Costa, Laurie B Cook
First Published April 18, 2018; pp. 148-155
- ペルシャ猫における常染色体優性多発性嚢胞腎の診断のための年齢に基づいた超音波検査基準
- Age-based ultrasonographic criteria for diagnosis of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in Persian cats
Juliana M Guerra, Mariana F Freitas, Alexandre GT Daniel, Arine Pellegrino, Natalia C Cardoso, Isac de Castro, Luiz F Onuchic, Bruno Cogliati
- 猫の肝リピドーシスにおける肝幹細胞微小環境の免疫組織化学的な特徴付け:予備的な形態学的研究
- Immunohistochemical characterisation of the hepatic stem cell niche in feline hepatic lipidosis: a preliminary morphological study
Chiara Valtolina, Joris H Robben, Robert P Favier, Jan Rothuizen, Guy CM Grinwis, Baukje A Schotanus, Louis C Penning
- 動脈カテーテル合併症の発生率:35頭の猫における後ろ向き研究(2010-2014)
- ncidence of arterial catheter complications: a retrospective study of 35 cats (2010-2014)
Shaina Mooshian, Sarah J Deitschel, Jamie M Haggerty, Christine L Guenther
- 尾部の自傷を伴う猫の知覚過敏症候群:7症例の後ろ向き研究と総合的な集学的診断アプローチの提案査
- Feline hyperaesthesia syndrome with self-trauma to the tail: retrospective study of seven cases and proposal for an integrated multidisciplinary diagnostic approach
Pablo Amengual Batle, Clare Rusbridge, Tim Nuttall, Sarah Heath, Katia Marioni-Henry
- 猫の唾液腺癌に対する放射線外部照射による治療:新規の6症例と文献レビュー
- External beam radiotherapy for the treatment of feline salivary gland carcinoma: six new cases and a review of the literature
Laura Blackwood, Aaron Harper, James Elliott, Irina Gramer