ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

特集: 猫の行動学と問題行動 パート3
- 50年にわたるFIPへの興味が有望な新しい抗ウイルス薬を完結させる
- Fifty years’ fascination with FIP culminates in a promising new antiviral
Niels C Pedersen
- 自然発生した猫伝染性腹膜炎治療におけるヌクレオシド類似体GS-441524の有効性と安全性
- Efficacy and safety of the nucleoside analog GS-441524 for treatment of cats with naturally occurring feline infectious peritonitis
Niels C Pedersen, Michel Perron, Michael Bannasch, Elizabeth Montgomery, Eisuke Murakami, Molly Liepnieks, Hongwei Liu
- 飼い主から報告された猫のノミ治療法と皮膚病
- Owner-reported flea treatment measures and skin disease in cats
Sophie Tyler, Claire Roberts, Aiden Foster, Natalie Barnard, Jane K Murray
- 猫の腰仙椎移行性椎骨と腰仙椎椎管狭窄症との関連性
- Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae in cats and its relationship to lumbosacral vertebral canal stenosis
Georgina Harris, Jessica Ball, Steven De Decker
- 多頭飼育環境下での猫の攻撃性管理に対するフェロモン・ディフューザーとプラセボの効果比較
- Evaluation of the efficacy of an appeasing pheromone diffuser product vs placebo for management of feline aggression in multi-cat households: a pilot study
Theresa L DePorter, David L Bledsoe, Alexandra Beck, Elodie Ollivier
- ストロンチウム・プレシオセラピーの分割あるいは単回投与プロトコルで治療を行った猫の鼻平面扁平上皮癌の反応、無病期間および全生存期間
- Response, disease-free interval and overall survival of cats with nasal planum squamous cell carcinoma treated with a fractionated vs a single-dose protocol of strontium plesiotherapy
Davide Berlato, Sue Murphy, Silja Laberke, Sara Verganti
- 猫の注射部位肉腫:免疫組織化学的特徴
- Feline injection site sarcoma: immunohistochemical characteristics
Carolina S Carneiro, Genilson F de Queiroz, Ana CBCF Pinto, Maria LZ Dagli, Julia M Matera
- 頭部外傷の治療で来院した猫45頭における頭蓋顎顔面骨折の位置と分布
- Location and distribution of craniomaxillofacial fractures in 45 cats presented for the treatment of head trauma
Ingrid Tundo, Peter Southerden, Andrew Perry, Richard M Haydock
- 猫に経皮ゲルを複数回塗布した後の血清テオフィリン濃度
- Serum theophylline after multiple dosing with transdermal gels in cats
Jacob Barnoski, Tekla M Lee-Fowler, Dawn M Boothe, Ellen N Behrend
- コロラド州立大学猫急性疼痛スケールの信頼性と妥当性の予備的評価
- Preliminary appraisal of the reliability and validity of the Colorado State University Feline Acute Pain Scale
Hilary Shipley, Alonso Guedes, Lynelle Graham, Elizabeth Goudie-DeAngelis, Erin Wendt-Hornickle
- 猫の急性大動脈血栓塞栓症に対する組織プラスミノーゲンアクチベーター(TPA)による血栓溶解:16症例の後向き研究
- Thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) in feline acute aortic thromboembolism: a retrospective study of 16 cases
Julien Guillaumin, Ryan MB Gibson, Isabelle Goy-Thollot, John D Bonagura
- 末端肥大症の猫37例における下垂体摘出術中の麻酔管理と合併症
- Anaesthetic management and complications during hypophysectomy in 37 cats with acromegaly
David M Neilson, Jaime Viscasillas, Hatim IK Alibhai, Patrick J Kenny, Stijn JM Niessen, Sandra Sanchis-Mora
- 猫の小細胞性胃腸リンパ腫を治療した後に発生した大細胞性リンパ腫: 発生率、臨床徴候、臨床病理データ、続発した悪性腫瘍の治療、奏効性および生存率
- Feline large-cell lymphoma following previous treatment for small-cell gastrointestinal lymphoma: incidence, clinical signs, clinicopathologic data, treatment of a secondary malignancy, response and survival
Katherine Z Wright, Ann E Hohenhaus, Ariana M Verrilli, Savannah Vaughan-Wasser
- 肝リピドーシスの猫におけるリポプロテイン・プロファイルの変化
- Altered lipoprotein profiles in cats with hepatic lipidosis
Tomomi Minamoto, Rosemary L Walzem, Alexandra J Hamilton, Steve L Hill, Harold R Payne, Jonathan A Lidbury, Jan S Suchodolski, Jörg M Steiner
- 短毛ならびに長毛猫のグルーミング行動と被毛消化率の比較
- Evaluation of grooming behaviour and apparent digestibility method in cats
Hee S Kim, Jin S Hong, Chang W Park, Kyung H Cho, Yoo Y Kim
- 猫の栄養素消化率に対する被毛の長さと糞便中に含まれる被毛の影響
- Effects of coat length and faecal hair removal on measured nutrient digestibility in cats
Hee S Kim, Jin S Hong, Chang W Park, Kyung H Cho, Yoo Y Kim
- 猫の重度潰瘍性角膜炎に対する治療管理: 13症例
- Medical management of deep ulcerative keratitis in cats: 13 cases
Michelle G Martin de Bustamante, Kathryn L Good, Brian C Leonard, Steven R Hollingsworth, Sydney G Edwards, Kelly E Knickelbein, Ann E Cooper, Sara M Thomasy, David J Maggs
- 猫の斑状丘疹性皮膚肥満細胞症:13症例の後ろ向き研究と新しい分類の提案
- Feline maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis: a retrospective study of 13 cases and proposal for a new classification
Jerome Ngo, Marie-Anne Morren, Christine Bodemer, Marianne Heimann, Jacques Fontaine