ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 中性化した猫の肥満リスク
- Risk of obesity in the neutered cat
Jennifer A Larsen
- 慢性腎臓病の猫を正常な猫、腎盂腎炎あるいは尿管閉塞がある猫と比較した場合の腎盂と尿管の超音波所見の特徴
- Renal pelvic and ureteral ultrasonographic characteristics of cats with chronic kidney disease in comparison with normal cats, and cats with pyelonephritis or ureteral obstruction
Jessica M Quimby, Kristy Dowers, Andrea K Herndon, Elissa K Randall
- Mycoplasma haemofelis と 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum'に関するAedes種という蚊の伝播能力の評価
- Assessment of the ability of Aedes species mosquitoes to transmit feline Mycoplasma haemofelis and 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum'
Krystle L Reagan*, Lorelei L Clarke, Jennifer R Hawley, Phillip Lin, Michael R Lappin
- 中耳に発生するポリープ: 62頭の猫の耳道に対して外側アプローチを行った場合の牽引による脱落に関する結果報告
- Middle ear polyps: results of traction avulsion after a lateral approach to the ear canal in 62 cats (2004-2014)
Sara DS Janssens, Annika N Haagsman, Gert Ter Haar
- 体腔内貯留液がある猫における猫伝染性腹膜炎と他の疾患を鑑別するための急性相タンパクの有用性
- Usefulness of acute phase proteins in differentiating between feline infectious peritonitis and other diseases in cats with body cavity effusions
Katarina Hazuchova, Susanne Held*, Reto Neiger
- 生物学的防除剤であるPythium oligandrum のin vitroにおける抗真菌効果
- Antifungal effects of the biological agent Pythium oligandrum observed in vitro
Martina Načeradská, Michaela Fridrichová, Dita Kellnerová, Soňa Peková, Petr Lány
- ヘルペスウイルス-1の暴露後に修正生ワクチンあるいは不活化ワクチンを非経口投与した場合の臨床検査ならびに各種検査所見へ影響
- Effect of modified live or inactivated feline herpesvirus-1 parenteral vaccines on clinical and laboratory findings following viral challenge
Stacie C Summers, Rebecca Ruch-Gallie, Jennifer R Hawley, Michael R Lappin
- 24頭の猫における血液ガス用シリンジとヘパリンリチウム管を用いた静脈血液ガス各項目の参考値の設定と比較
- Determination of reference intervals and comparison of venous blood gas parameters using standard and non-standard collection methods in 24 cats
Karin Bachmann, Annette PN Kutter, Rahel Jud Schefer, Charlotte Marly-Voquer, Nadja Sigrist
- 健康な猫に超音波検査を行った場合の心拍数による左心室計測値の変化
- Influence of alterations in heart rate on left ventricular echocardiographic measurements in healthy cats
Keisuke Sugimoto, Yoko Fujii, Yuto Ogura, Hiroshi Sunahara, Takuma Aoki
- インド国内の飼育猫におけるパルボウイルスの分子解析による新しい変異体の出現
- Molecular characterisation of parvoviruses from domestic cats reveals emergence of newer variants in India
Hirak K Mukhopadhyay, Mangadevi Nookala, Nobal RK Thangamani, Amsaveni Sivaprakasam, Prabhakar X Antony, Jacob Thanislass, Mouttou V Srinivas, Raghavan M Pillai
- 猫41症例の新規爪床病変における臨床的、組織学的ならびに予後の特徴
- Clinical, histological and prognostic features of a novel nail-bed lesion of cats: 41 cases
Melanie J Dobromylskyj, Rebecca A Fernandes, Adrienne French, Ann M Pocknell, Ken C Smith
- 猫のアルブミン尿検出のための電気泳動法の検証
- Validation of an electrophoretic method to detect albuminuria in cats
Enea Ferlizza, Francesco Dondi, Giulia Andreani, Diego Bucci, Joy Archer, Gloria Isani
- 特発性膀胱炎の猫と健康な対照猫における尿タンパク、尿タンパク/クレアチニン比ならびにN-アセチル-β-D-グルコサミン値
- Urine protein, urine protein to creatinine ratio and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase index in cats with idiopathic cystitis vs healthy control cats
Isadee Panboon, Sariya Asawakarn, Rosama Pusoonthornthum
- モルヒネとデクスメデトミジン投与2-2.5時間前のマロピタント投与は猫の嘔吐発生率を低下させる
- Maropitant administered orally 2-2.5 h prior to morphine and dexmedetomidine reduces the incidence of emesis in cats
Manuel Martin-Flores, Alicia Mastrocco, Augusto M Lorenzutti, Luis Campoy, Pati Kirch, Marisa Stone, McKenzie M Learn, Jordyn M Boesch
- 猫伝染性腹膜炎の血清を電気泳動した場合、変化がどのくらいの頻度で出現するかについて、二つの異なった時期での検証 (2004-2009 vs 2013-2014)
- Frequency of electrophoretic changes consistent with feline infectious peritonitis in two different time periods (2004-2009 vs 2013-2014)
Angelica Stranieri, Alessia Giordano, Stefano Bo, Chiara Braghiroli, Saverio Paltrinieri
- スイスとオランダにおける糖尿病猫のインスリン様成長因子-1、総サイロキシン、猫膵特異性リパーゼならびに尿中コルチコイド/クレアチニン比の評価
- Evaluation of insulin-like growth factor-1, total thyroxine, feline pancreas-specific lipase and urinary corticoid-to-creatinine ratio in cats with diabetes mellitus in Switzerland and the Netherlands
Sandra Schaefer, Hans S Kooistra, Barbara Riond, Jan S Suchodolski, Jorg M Steiner, Marrit Prins, Eric Zini, Claudia E Reusch
- 世界保健機関(WHO)の分類に従ってリンパ腫のサブタイプ分けを行った場合の予後生成期は猫に適用可能か?
- Does categorisation of lymphoma subtypes according to the World Health Organization classification predict clinical outcome in cats?
Birgitt Wolfesberger, Ondrej Skor, Sabine E Hammer, Irene Flickinger, Miriam Kleiter, Barbara C Rutgen, Ilse Schwendenwein, Alexander Tichy, Katharina M Hittmair, Brigitte Degasperi, Andrea Fuchs-Baumgartinger
- 橈骨と尺骨遠位部の骨折の合併症: 6匹の猫におけるKワイヤー固定による合併症と長期予後
- Combined physeal fractures of the distal radius and ulna: complications associated with K-wire fixation and long-term prognosis in six cats
Valentina Brioschi, Sorrel J Langley-Hobbs, Sharon Kerwin, Richard Meeson, Heidi Radke