ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 猫の脾臓をX線検査と超音波で計測した場合の相関性分析
- Analysis of feline splenic radiographic measurements and their correlation to ultrasonographic measurements
Kryssa L Johnson, Erin G Porter, Clifford R Berry
- 手術中の猫におけるセファゾリンの薬物動態
- Cefazolin pharmacokinetics in cats under surgical conditions
Gabriela A Albarellos, Laura Montoya, Sabrina M Passini, Martin P Lupi, Paula M Lorenzini, Maria F Landoni
- 健康な若齢猫における経皮的ミルタザピン投与の薬物曝露と臨床効果: パイロットスタディ
- Drug exposure and clinical effect of transdermal mirtazapine in healthy young cats: a pilot study
Kellyi K Benson, Lara B Zajic, Paula K Morgan, Sarah R Brown, Ryan J Hansen, Paul J Lunghofer, Luke A Wittenburg, Daniel L Gustafson, Jessica M Quimby
- 麻酔下で人工的に換気した健康な猫における椎体径に対する気管内腔径と椎体径に対する肺動脈径の高解像度コンピュータ断層撮影 (CT) による評価
- High-resolution computed tomography evaluation of the bronchial lumen to vertebral body diameter and pulmonary artery to vertebral body diameter ratios in anesthetized ventilated normal cats
Tekla M Lee-Fowler, Robert C Cole, A Ray Dillon, D Michael Tillson, Rachel Garbarino, Sharron Barney
- サンプルの熱処理による猫の Dirofilaria immitis 抗原検出率の増加
- Increased detection of Dirofilaria immitis antigen in cats after heat pretreatment of samples
Jeff M Gruntmeir, Chris B Adolph, Jennifer E Thomas, Mason V Reichard, Byron L Blagburn, Susan E Little
- 肺虫の単独ならびに混合感染: 26症例の臨床症状、X線所見ならびに治療反応 (2013-2015)
- Single and mixed feline lungworm infections: clinical, radiographic and therapeutic features of 26 cases (2013-2015)
Paolo E Crisi, Giovanni Aste, Donato Traversa, Angela Di Cesare, Elettra Febo, Massimo Vignoli, Domenico Santori, Alessia Luciani, Andrea Boari
- 尿管閉塞の猫におけるX線透視を用いない皮下尿管バイパスの設置法: 19 症例 (2014-2016)
- Placement of subcutaneous ureteral bypasses without fluoroscopic guidance in cats with ureteral obstruction: 19 cases (2014-2016)
Veronique Livet, Paul Pillard, Isabelle Goy-Thollot, David Maleca, Quentin Cabon, Denise Remy, Didier Fau, Eric Viguier, Celine Pouzot, Claude Carozzo, Thibaut Cachon
- 慢性腎臓病に罹患している猫の飼い主に食事とリン結合剤の使用を実施しているかどうかについてのオンライン調査
- An online survey of dietary and phosphate binder practices of owners of cats with chronic kidney disease
Sarah MA Caney
- 猫の結膜杯細胞の密度と分布
- Density and distribution of feline conjunctival goblet cells
Reka Eordogh, Csaba Jakab, Renata Papp, Alexander Tichy, Barbara Nell
- 猫免疫不全ウイルスワクチン接種後の抗体反応期間
- Duration of antibody response following vaccination against feline immunodeficiency virus
Mark E Westman, Richard Malik, Evelyn Hall, Matthew Harris, Margaret J Hosie, Jacqueline M Norris
- 品種に関連した小脳と後頭骨の形状に関する猫200頭のMRI所見
- Shape of the feline cerebellum and occipital bone related to breed on MRI of 200 cats
Xander Huizing, Andy Sparkes, Ruth Dennis
- 血漿クレアチニン濃度に対するテトラスターチ (hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4) の影響: 回顧的研究 (2010-2015)
- Effect of tetrastarch (hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4) on plasma creatinine concentration in cats: a retrospective analysis (2010-2015)
Ivayla D Yozova, Judith Howard, Katja N Adamik
- 低および高磁場MRIによる猫の側脳室容量の定量
- Quantification of cerebral lateral ventricular volume in cats by low- and high-field MRI
Paulina Przyborowska, Zbigniew Adamiak, Yauheni Zhalniarovich
- 飼育猫の尿道カテーテルによる精液採取のための注射麻酔プロトコールの有用性
- Usefulness of an injectable anaesthetic protocol for semen collection through urethral catheterisation in domestic cats
Maria Carmela Pisu, Patrizia Ponzio, Chiara Rovella, Michela Baravalle, Maria Cristina Veronesi
- 飼育猫における卵子の回収と体外受精卵作成に対する酢酸デソロレリン処理の効果
- Effect of deslorelin acetate treatment in oocyte recovery and in vitro embryo production in domestic cats
Camila Louise Ackermann, Eduardo Trevisol, Leticia Ferrari Crocomo, Tatiana da Silva Rascado, Rodrigo Volpato, Carlos Renato de Freitas Guaitolini, Carlize Lopes, Talita de Almeida Costa, Maria Denise Lopes
- 脂肪由来間葉系幹細胞の増殖と免疫調節機能に関する若齢猫と高齢猫の比較
- Comparison of proliferative and immunomodulatory potential of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells from young and geriatric cats
Lara B Zajic*, Tracy L Webb, Polly Webb, Jonathan W Coy, Steve W Dow, Jessica M Quimby
- 南アフリカにおける猫の甲状腺機能亢進症の発生率と危険因子
- Prevalence of and risk factors for feline hyperthyroidism in South Africa
Joanne L McLean, Remo G Lobetti, Carmel T Mooney, Peter N Thompson, Johan P Schoeman
- 4頭の猫を用いた眼ヒストプラズマ症を診断するための抗原検査の有用性: 症例シリーズと文献レビュー
- Utility of antigen testing for the diagnosis of ocular histoplasmosis in four cats: a case series and literature review
Kathryn M Smith, Ann R Strom*, Margi A Gilmour, Elise LaDouceur†, Christopher M Reilly, Barbara A Byrne, Verena K Affolter, Jane E Sykes, David J Maggs