ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 猫腎障害分子1の検出のための特殊な免疫検査法
- A specific immunoassay for detection of feline kidney injury molecule 1
S Karlyn Bland, Mary Ellen Clark, Olivier Cote, Dorothee Bienzle
- 健康な猫の心エコーと血行動態変数に関するトラゾドン経口投与の影響
- Effects of oral trazodone on echocardiographic and hemodynamic variables in healthy cats
Ryan C Fries, Saki Kadotani, Jordan P Vitt, David J Schaefferl
- 精密な医学的検証: 肥大型心筋症のメインクーン猫2頭の全ゲノム配列決定によるMYBPC 3 A31P変異体の特定
- Precision medicine validation: identifying the MYBPC3 A31P variant with whole-genome sequencing in two Maine Coon cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Eric S Ontiveros, Yu Ueda, Samantha P Harris, Joshua A Stern, 99 Lives Consortium
- 無症候性レトロウイルス感染症の猫における猫汎白血球減少症ウイルスワクチン接種に対する抗体反応: パイロット研究
- Antibody response to feline panleukopenia virus vaccination in cats with asymptomatic retrovirus infections: a pilot study
Michele Bergmann, Stephanie Schwertler, Stephanie Speck, Uwe Truyen, Katrin Hartmann
- 猫の胸水の後ろ向き研究
- Retrospective analysis of pleural effusion in cats
Alla Konig, Katrin Hartmann, Ralf S Mueller, Gerhard Wess, Bianka S Schulz
- 外傷性脳損傷の猫30頭のMRI
- MRI in 30 cats with traumatic brain injury
Abby Caine, Robert Brash, Luisa De Risio, Jan Van Dijk, Giunio Bruto Cherubini, Ruth Dennis
- ネコ頭部外傷:頭蓋骨骨折の猫75頭におけるCT検査とその管理
- Feline head trauma: a CT analysis of skull fractures and their management in 75 cats
Rebekah Knight, Richard L Meeson
- 様々な外科処置を行った猫58頭における脊椎麻酔と全身麻酔の併用: 方法の解説と周術期の評価
- Combined spinal and general anaesthesia in 58 cats undergoing various surgical procedures: description of technique and retrospective perioperative evaluation
Diego Sarotti, Andrea Cattai, Paolo Franci
- 健康な猫と放射性ヨードで治療した甲状腺機能亢進症の猫の治療前後における凝固パラメーターの比較
- Coagulation parameters in hyperthyroid cats before and after radioiodine treatment compared with healthy controls
Yi Cui, Katharina Heuser, Natali Bauer, Reto Neiger
- 猫の歯周病の治療に対する局所経口1-テトラデカノール複合体
- Topical oral 1-tetradecanol complex in the treatment of periodontal diseases in cats
Fernanda Maria Lopes Kubitza, James Mudie George Anthony
- 個別のスコアリングシステムを使用して放射性ヨードで治療された甲状腺機能亢進症猫における医原性甲状腺機能低下症の有病率
- Prevalence of iatrogenic hypothyroidism in hyperthyroid cats treated with radioiodine using an individualised scoring system
Yordan Fernandez, Jordi Puig, Roger Powell, Mayank Seth
- 鼻梁の扁平上皮癌に高線量率近接照射療法を行った猫の予後因子
- Prognostic factors for cats with squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum following high-dose rate brachytherapy
Mafalda Lino, Didier Lanore, Mathilde Lajoinie, Ana Jimenez, Franck Crouzet, Felisbina L Queiroga
- 猫の慢性歯肉口内炎は同居猫がいる方が発生率が高く、同居猫の数と相関する
- Feline chronic gingivostomatitis is more prevalent in shared households and its risk correlates with the number of cohabiting cats
Santiago Peralta, Patrick C Carney
- 腎結石を伴う慢性腎疾患の猫の総血清マグネシウム
- Total serum magnesium in cats with chronic kidney disease with nephrolithiasis
Fernanda Chicharo Chacar, Marcia Mery Kogika, Andrea C Ferreira, Khadine K Kanayama, Archivaldo Reche
- てんかんの猫にフェノバルビタールを経皮あるいは経口で投与した場合の比較: 前向きクロスオーバー臨床試験
- Prospective crossover clinical trial comparing transdermal with oral phenobarbital administration in epileptic cats
Heidi L Barnes Heller, Lauren A Trepanier, Michelle Robertson, Chaoqun Mei
- イタリアで飼育されているノルウェジアン・フォレスト・キャット、メインクーン、ペルシャ、ベンガルの繁殖力パラメータと繁殖管理: アンケートに基づいた研究
- Fertility parameters and reproductive management of Norwegian Forest Cats, Maine Coon, Persian and Bengal cats raised in Italy: a questionnaire-based study
Stefano Romagnoli, Chiara Bensaia, Lluis Ferre-Dolcet, Hasan Besim Sontas, Calogero Stelletta
- 米国北西部の動物保護施設でMicrosporum canisによる皮膚糸状菌症と診断された猫の疫学と検査結果の特性
- Descriptive epidemiology and test characteristics of cats diagnosed with Microsporum canis dermatophytosis in a Northwestern US animal shelter
Lena G DeTar, Vladimir Dubrovsky, Jan M Scarlett
- 卵巣子宮摘出術を受けた猫の周術期鎮痛のためのQUADプロトコル内のメタドンとブプレノルフィンの比較
- Comparison between methadone and buprenorphine within the QUAD protocol for perioperative analgesia in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy
Michael C Petty, Jo Murrell