ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

5月号:Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Volume 25 May 2019


新規ウイルス: 猫のパピローマウイルスの意義に関するアップデート
Novel viruses: Update on the significance of papillomavirus infections in cats
John S Munday, Claire R Sharp, Julia A Beatty
重度な膝関節外傷の管理: 1. 膝関節脱臼
Management of severe stifle trauma: 1. Stifle luxation
Elena Addison, Alessandro Conte
猫の腹部超音波検査: 胆嚢胆管系の正常所見、異常所見とは?
Feline abdominal ultrasonography: what’s normal? what’s abnormal? The biliary tree
Sally Griffin
猫の栄養学的評価: より良い医療ケアを行うための推奨事項
Nutritional assessment in the cat: Practical recommendations for better medical care
Angela Witzel Rollins, Maryanne Murphy


Acute hindlimb lameness in a 6-month-old cat
Michael Nappier, Brooke Robertson, Tanya LeRoith