ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 猫の手根部外傷の管理: 治療オプションと関節固定の時期
- Management of feline carpal injuries: What are the options and when is arthrodesis indicated?
Rachel M Basa, Kenneth A Johnson
- 猫の喘息と心臓糸状虫症: 臨床上の特徴、診断と治療
- Feline asthma and heartworm disease: Clinical features, diagnostics and therapeutics
Sarah Garrity, Tekla Lee-Fowler, Carol Reinero
- 猫の眼球外傷後肉腫: 現在の知見、治療とモニタリング
- Feline ocular post-traumatic sarcomas: Current understanding, treatment and monitoring
Carrissa Wood, Erin M Scott
- ISFMコングレス2019にアクセプトされた臨床報告・研究報告のアブストラクト
- Clinical/research abstracts accepted for presentation at ISFM Congress 2019