ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 眠る、おそらくは夢を見る…猫のためにより良い麻酔を
- To sleep, perchance to dream . . . of better anesthesia for our feline patients
Susan Gogolski, Sheilah Robertson
※To sleep, perchance to dreamはシェイクスピア「ハムレット」の引用ですね。
- 猫の麻酔ガイドライン
- AAFP Feline Anesthesia Guidelines
Sheilah A Robertson, Susan M Gogolski, Peter Pascoe, Heidi L Shafford, Jennifer Sager, Gregg M Griffenhagen
- 猫のシェルター施設: 健康、福祉、里親の原則
- Shelter housing for cats: Principles of design for health, welfare and rehoming
Denae Wagner, Kate Hurley, Jenny Stavisky
- 猫のシェルター施設: 設計と建築に関する実践的なイメージと既存施設の使用
- Shelter housing for cats: Practical aspects of design and construction, and adaptation of existing accommodation
Denae Wagner, Kate Hurley, Jenny Stavisky