ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 猫のリーシュマニアについて我々は何を知っているか?
- What do we know about feline leishmaniosis?
Carla Sofia Alves Soares, Sofia Cancela Duarte, and Sergio Ramalho Sousa
- 韓国の都市部と農村部に住む野良猫における血液検査と血液生化学検査パラメーターの評価と特定の疾患の病原体保有率
- Evaluation of biochemical and haematological parameters and prevalence of selected pathogens in feral cats from urban and rural habitats in South Korea
Jusun Hwang, Nicole Gottdenker, Mi-Sook Min, Hang Lee, and Myung-Sun Chun
- 猫の犬歯幅に基づいて下顎管の高さを予測するための数学方程式
- Mathematical equation for prediction of cat mandibular canal height dimension based on canine tooth width measurement
Miguel Santos and L Miguel Carreira
- 猫の犬歯幅に基づいて下顎管の高さを予測するための数学方程式
- Mathematical equation for prediction of cat mandibular canal height dimension based on canine tooth width measurement
Miguel Santos and L Miguel Carreira
- Microsporum canisに感染した被毛と胞子が付着した洗濯物の汚染除去
- Decontamination of laundry exposed to Microsporum canis hairs and spores
Karen A Moriello
- 貧血の短毛家猫と純血種猫における赤血球浸透圧脆弱性の増加
- Increased erythrocytic osmotic fragility in anemic domestic shorthair and purebred cats
Claudia Tritschler, Keijiro Mizukami, Karthik Raj, and Urs Giger
- 正常ならびに疾患下の猫の腎評価に対する抵抗指数
- Resistive index for kidney evaluation in normal and diseased cats
Vlad Tipisca, Carla Murino, Laura Cortese, Giuseppina Mennonna, Luigi Auletta, Vasile Vulpe, and Leonardo Meomartino
- 猫に鎮静を行うためのトラゾドンの経口投与:パイロットスタディ
- Use of oral trazodone for sedation in cats: a pilot study
Jillian M Orlando, Beth C Case, Andrea E Thomson, Emily Griffith, and Barbara L Sherman
- ノルウェジアンキャットにおける特発性膀胱炎のリスクファクター:一致した症例対照研究
- Risk factors for idiopathic cystitis in Norwegian cats: a matched case-control study
Heidi S Lund, Bente K Savik, Oystein W Finstad, Elin T Grontvedt, Terese Vatne, and Anna V Eggertsdottir
- 猫の閉塞性特発性膀胱炎に対する多硫酸ペントサンナトリウムの効果
- Efficacy of intravesical pentosan polysulfate sodium in cats with obstructive feline idiopathic cystitis
Mareike Delille, Laura Frohlich, Ralf S Muller, Katrin Hartmann, and Roswitha Dorsch
- 抗酸菌に感染した猫におけるCT所見
- Computed tomographic findings in cats with mycobacterial infection
Alison Major, Andrea Holmes, Christopher Warren-Smith, Stephanie Lalor, Rebecca Littler, Tobias Schwarz, and Danielle Gunn-Moore
- 猫の肺に発生した牛痘:5症例
- Pulmonary cowpox in cats: five cases
Jennie McInerney, Kostas Papasouliotis, Kerry Simpson, Kate English, Simon Cook, Elspeth
Milne, and Danielle A Gunn-Moore
- 診断的開腹術
- Diagnostic laparotomies
Gary D Norsworthy, Valerie Freiche, Mathieu Faucher, and Alexander J German