ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

1月号:Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Volume 20 Number 13 January 2018


家庭猫のマダニ(Amblyomma americanum)によるCytauxzoon felisの蔓延に関する最短伝播時間と可能性がある伝播経路としての感染マダニの摂取に関する調査
Minimum transmission time of Cytauxzoon felis by Amblyomma americanum to domestic cats in relation to duration of infestation, and investigation of ingestion of infected ticks as a potential route of transmission
Jennifer E Thomas*, Cameon M Ohmes, Mark E Payton, Joseph A Hostetler, Mason V Reichard
Assessing analgesia equivalence and appetite following alfaxalone- or ketamine-based injectable anesthesia for feline castration as an example of enhanced recovery after surgery
Tatum Armstrong, Marika C Wagner, Jagjit Cheema, Daniel SJ Pang
これまでに報告がないビタミンD C-3エピマーは猫の血中に相当量存在する
Previously undescribed vitamin D C-3 epimer occurs in substantial amounts in the blood of cats
Megan C Sprinkle, Sarah E Hooper, Robert C Backus
Effect of administration rate on propofol requirement in cats
Renato LS Oliveira, Clarissa MR Moreira, Myla CB Barcellos, Camile PP Silva, Jorge GC Teixeira, Heloisa JM Souza
猫の肥満細胞腫に対するリン酸トセラニブ (パラディア®)の回顧的評価
Retrospective evaluation of toceranib phosphate (Palladia) use in cats with mast cell neoplasia
Erika P Berger, Chad M Johannes, Gerald S Post, Gillian Rothchild, Kai-Biu Shiu, Sarah Wetzel, Leslie E Fox
シェルター猫のMicrosporum canisによる皮膚糸状菌症を診断するためのリアルタイムPCRと真菌培養の比較
Comparison of real-time PCR with fungal culture for the diagnosis of Microsporum canis dermatophytosis in shelter cats: a field study
Linda S Jacobson, Lauren McIntyre, Jenny Mykusz
アニマルシェルターの猫のMicrosporum canis真菌培養陽性あるいは陰性と判定する場合のリアルタイムPCRサイクル数の基準値評価
Assessment of real-time PCR cycle threshold values in Microsporum canis culture-positive and culture-negative cats in an animal shelter: a field study
Linda S Jacobson, Lauren McIntyre, Jenny Mykusz
Prospective evaluation of a protocol for transitioning porcine lente insulin-treated diabetic cats to human recombinant protamine zinc insulin
Ruth Gostelow, Katarina Hazuchova, Christopher Scudder, Yaiza Forcada, David Church, Stijn JM Niessen
Diagnostic performances of manual and automated reticulocyte parameters in anaemic cats
Saverio Paltrinieri, Marco Fossati, Valentina Menaballi
Retrospective study of more than 9000 feline cutaneous tumours in the UK: 2006-2013
Nicola T Ho, Ken C Smith, Melanie J Dobromylskyj
Effect of age, sex and body weight on the serum concentrations of cobalamin and folate in cats consuming a consistent diet
Sarah A Hill, Nicholas J Cave, Sandra Forsyth
Comparison of health parameters in normal cats fed a limited iodine prescription food vs a conventional diet
Inke Paetau-Robinson, Lynda D Melendez, S Dru Forrester, Laura J Armbrust, Kent R Refsal, Patricia A Burris
Prevalence of external ear disorders in Belgian stray cats
Anouck Bollez, Hilde de Rooster, Alessandra Furcas, Sophie Vandenabeele
Feline urine metabolomic signature: characterization of low-molecular-weight substances in urine from domestic cats
Sol-Maiam Rivera-Velez, Nicolas F Villarino
Dose-finding study comparing three treatments of remifentanil in cats anesthetized with isoflurane undergoing ovariohysterectomy
Marcela L Machado, Joao Henrique N Soares, Maria Alice Kuster de Albuquerque Gress, Douglas dos Santos e Castro, Kaleizu Teodoro Rosa, Phillipe Bauer de Araujo Doria, Fabio Otero Ascoli
Comparison of two sedation protocols for short electroretinography in cats
Maria J Del Sole, Pablo Nejamkin, Veronica Cavilla, Paula Schaiquevich, Laura Moreno


Insulin-like growth factor type 1 concentrations in hyperthyroid cats before and after treatment with thiamazole
Daphne Rochel, Myriam Burger, Patrick Nguyen, Laetitia Jaillardon
Safety of oral and intravenous mycophenolate mofetil in healthy cats
Jennifer E Slovak, Nicolas F Villarino


Use of computed tomography imaging during long-term follow-up of nine feline tuberculosis cases
Alison Major*, Conor O'Halloran*, Andrea Holmes, Stephanie Lalor, Rebecca Littler, Susanna Spence, Tobias Schwarz†, Danielle Gunn-Moore†


Recurrence of spinal anaplastic astrocytoma in a cat after surgical treatment and long-term follow-up
Shinji Tamura, Yumiko Tamura, Kazuyuki Uchida