ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 英国おける市販の生食フードに関連した猫の結核
- Tuberculosis in UK cats associated with a commercial raw food diet
Conor O’Halloran, Danielle Gunn-Moore
- 市販の生食フード給餌による飼い猫に発生したMycobacterium bobisによる結核
- Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in pet cats associated with feeding a commercial raw food diet
Conor O’Halloran, Olympia Ioannidi, Nicki Reed, Kevin Murtagh, Eili Dettemering, Stefaan Van Poucke, John Gale, Julie Vickers, Paul Burr, Deborah Gascoyne-Binzi, Raymond Howe, Melanie Dobromylskyj, Jordan Mitchell, Jayne Hope, Danielle Gunn-Moore
- 実験猫における静置式、自由落下式および循環式ボウルからの水分摂取量の定量と各種尿パラメータへの影響
- Quantified water intake in laboratory cats from still, free-falling and circulating water bowls, and its effects on selected urinary parameters
Michael T Robbins, Martha G Cline, Joseph W Bartges, Erin Felty, Korinn E Saker, Richard Bastian, Angela L Witzel
- 子猫の爪とぎの嗜好
- Preference of kittens for scratchers
Lingna Zhang, Rebekkah Plummer, John McGlone
- 血腹の猫8頭における自己血輸血12例
- Twelve autologous blood transfusions in eight cats with haemoperitoneum
Laura P Cole, Karen Humm
- SNAP fPLとSpec fPLによる猫の膵炎の診断
- Diagnosis of feline pancreatitis with SNAP fPL and Spec fPL
Fanny Schnaus, Franziska Hanisch, Iwan Anton Burgener
- 健康な猫のスロンボエラストグラフィーに対する注射針ゲージと静脈穿刺が困難なことによる影響
- Influence of needle gauge and venepuncture difficulty on thromboelastography in healthy cats
Duree Shin, Aryung Nam, Kun Ho Song, Kyoung Won Seo
- 経口ミソプロストールの単独またはアグレプリストンとの併用が猫の妊娠中期の中絶に及ぼす影響
- Effect of oral misoprostol, alone or in combination with aglepristone, on mid-term pregnancy termination in cats
Serhan Serhat Ay, Selim Aslan, Firdevs Önyay, Duygu Kaya, Ece Koldaş, Serhat Arslan, Murat Fındık
- 卵巣子宮摘出術を行う猫の周術期鎮痛のためのQUADプロトコルにおけるメタドンとブプレノルフィンの比較
- Comparison between methadone and buprenorphine within the QUAD protocol for perioperative analgesia in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy
Meera Shah, David Yates, James Hunt, Jo Murrell
- 輸血目的で収集された猫全血ユニットの血液学的および形態学的評価
- Haematological and morphological evaluation of feline whole blood units collected for transfusion purposes
Eva Spada, Roberta Perego, Luciana Baggiani, Daniela Proverbio
- 甲状腺機能亢進症、健康ならびに他の疾患に罹患している猫の総サイロキシン、甲状腺の触診および臨床指標との関係
- Relationship between total thyroxine, thyroid palpation and a clinical index in hyperthyroid and healthy cats and cats with other diseases
Astrid Wehner, Ines Koehler, Sabine Ramspott, Katrin Hartmann
- 膝蓋骨骨折と歯の異常症候群がある猫における以前あるいはその後に起きた骨折の発生率と種類
- Incidence and types of preceding and subsequent fractures in cats with patellar fracture and dental anomaly syndrome
Natalia A Reyes, Mark Longley, Steven Bailey, Sorrel J Langley-Hobbs
- 神経症状がある猫の頭蓋内腫瘍に対する放射線療法
- Radiation therapy for intracranial tumours in cats with neurological signs
Maximilian Korner, Malgorzata Roos, Valeria S Meier, Alena Soukup, Simona Cancedda, Magdalena M Parys, Michelle Turek, Carla Rohrer Bley
- 不適切な場所での排尿(periuria)を示す猫の健康状態の詳細な観察: 症例対照研究
- A closer look at the health of cats showing urinary house-soiling (periuria): a case-control study
Daniela Ramos, Archivaldo Reche-Junior, Daniel S Mills, Priscila L Fragoso, Alexandre GT Daniel, Mariana F Freitas, Silvia G Cortopassi, Geni Patricio
- ネコ腎臓上皮細胞に対するアンギオテンシンIIと形質転換成長因子ベータの線維化促進効果
- Profibrotic effects of angiotensin II and transforming growth factor beta on feline kidney epithelial cells
Cyrina D van Beusekom, Tanja M Zimmering
- シルマー涙液試験Iで測定した健康な猫の涙液量に対するメデトミジンとキシラジン筋肉内投与の影響
- Effect of intramuscular administration of medetomidine and xylazine on tear flow measured by the Schirmer tear test I in healthy cats
Teppei Kanda, Yuki Shimizu, Chisa Hanazono, Saya Maki, Noritaka Maeta, Takamasa Itoi, Kayo Furumoto, Yasuhiko Okamura, Yoshiki Itoh, Toshinori Furukawa
- 膝蓋骨骨折および歯の異常症候群がある10頭の猫における頭蓋骨の病理
- Skull pathology in 10 cats with patellar fracture and dental anomaly syndrome
Charlotte Howes, Mark Longley, Natalia Reyes, Alison C Major, Margherita Gracis, Amy Fulton Scanlan, Steven Bailey, Sorrel J Langley-Hobbs
- 子宮蓄膿症の猫の卵巣子宮摘出術におけるバイポーラ血管シーリング装置の有効性
- Effectiveness of a bipolar vessel sealant device for ovariohysterectomy in cats with pyometra
Michael Bruckner