ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

総説 Review Articles
- 猫の甲状腺機能亢進症が腎機能に与える影響:レビュー
- Effects of feline hyperthyroidism on kidney function: a review
Heather H Vaske, Thomas Schermerhorn, and Gregory F Grauer
- 猫の疼痛時における行動変化 レビュー
- Systematic review of the behavioural assessment of pain in cats
Isabella Merola and Daniel S Mills
投稿論文 Original Articles
- 副腎皮質腫瘍の猫33例の臨床所見、診断ならびに結果
- Clinical findings, diagnostics and outcome in 33 cats with adrenal neoplasia (2002–2013)
Gideon Daniel, Orla M Mahony, Jessica E Markovich, Elizabeth Appleman, Kelly N Monaghan, Yuri A Lawrence, E Hathaway Fiocchi, Kelli Weaver, Andrea Johnston, and Bruce Barton
- Anaplasma phagocytophilum感染症:アメリカ北東部での16症例
- Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection of domestic cats: 16 cases from the northeastern USA
Christine Savidge, Patty Ewing, Jan Andrews, David Aucoin, Michael R Lappin, and Scott Moroff
- 猫の甲状腺機能亢進症の重症度ならびに甲状腺の病理学的な程度は罹患期間とともに増加する:放射性ヨード治療を目的に来院した猫2096頭のCross-sectional analysis (横断的分析)
- Prevalence and degree of thyroid pathology in hyperthyroid cats increases with disease duration: a cross-sectional analysis of 2096 cats referred for radioiodine therapy
Mark E Peterson, Michael R Broome, and Mark Rishniw
- 神経症状の有無にかかわらず猫伝染性腹膜炎と診断された患者の脳脊髄液中のコロナウイルス検出が有用性について
- Detection of feline coronavirus in cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis in cats with and without neurological signs
Stephanie J Doenges, Karin Weber, Roswitha Dorsch, Robert Fux, Andrea Fischer, Lara A Matiasek, Kaspar Matiasek, and Katrin Hartmann
- 健康で妊娠していない雌猫の子宮と卵巣の超音波検査による計測値は検査毎あるいは検査者間で変動は少ない
- Intra- and inter-observer variability in ultrasonographical measurements of the uterus and ovaries in healthy, non-pregnant queens
Laure Gatel, Guillaume Gory, Karine Chalvet-Monfray, Jimmy H Saunders and Delphine N Rault
- 猫の消化管の病理組織学的異常部位を臨床症状、臨床病理所見、腹部超音波検査で予測できるか?
- Can clinical signs, clinicopathological findings and abdominal ultrasonography predict the site of histopathological abnormalities of the alimentary tract in cats?
Valerie Freiche, Mathieu R Faucher, and Alexander J German
- ヘモプラズマ感染症で貧血を呈した猫22頭
- Infection with haemoplasma species in 22 cats with anaemia
Christiane Weingart, Séverine Tasker, and Barbara Kohn
- 猫のスポロトリコーシスに対するイトラコナゾールと凍結手術の併用
- Cryosurgery in association with itraconazole for the treatment of feline sporotrichosis
Clarissa Pimentel de Souza, Ronaldo Lucas, Regina HR Ramadinha, and Tifanny BCP Pires
- 甲状腺機能亢進症の猫に放射性ヨード治療を行った場合の甲状腺容積に対する効果
- Effect of thyroid volume on radioiodine therapy outcome in hyperthyroid cats
Veerle Volckaert, Eva Vandermeulen, André Dobbeleir, Luc Duchateau, Jimmy H Saunders, and Kathelijne Peremans
- 全身麻酔を行っている猫に対する音楽と音楽ジャンルが呼吸数と瞳孔径にどう影響するか:安全性を促進するのに有効である
- Influence of music and its genres on respiratory rate and pupil diameter variations in cats under general anaesthesia: contribution to promoting patient safety
Filipa Mira, Alexandra Costa, Eva Mendes, Pedro Azevedo, and L Miguel Carreira
- 猫の卵巣子宮摘出術における卵巣動脈自己結紮は迅速かつ安全である
- Pedicle ties provide a rapid and safe method for feline ovariohysterectomy
Kirk P Miller, Wendy Rekers, Kristi Ellis, Kris Ellingsen, and Milan Milovancev
- 慢性腎疾患の猫に対する治療としての同種他家脂肪由来間質幹細胞の静脈内投与:無作為、プラセ・ボコントロールの臨床トライアル8頭
- Assessment of intravenous adipose-derived allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of feline chronic kidney disease: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial in eight cats
Jessica M Quimby, Tracy L Webb, Elissa Randall, Angela Marolf, Alex Valdes-Martinez, and Steve W Dow
- イギリスにおける猫の尿管カテーテルの標準治療
- Standards of care for feline urethral catheters in the UK
Kate Holroyd and Karen Humm
- 猫喘息の実験モデルでニューロキニン1受容体を急激に抑制しても、気流制限あるいは気道の好酸球増加を抑制することは不可能である
- Acute neurokinin-1 receptor antagonism fails to dampen airflow limitation or airway eosinophilia in an experimental model of feline asthma
Megan Grobman, Stacy Krumme, Hilton Outi, John R Dodam, and Carol R Reinero
- 鼓膜評価の正確性
- Accuracy of tympanic membrane assessment
Steven Bailey
- 猫の尿路感染症から分離された細菌株に対する抗菌剤感受性試験
- Antimicrobial susceptibility testing for feline urinary tract isolates
Mark G Papich