ホーム>Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 概要

- 短毛在来種における唾液中Fel d1に対する時間と表現型の影響
- Influence of time and phenotype on salivary Fel d1 in domestic shorthair cats
Berenice Camille Bastien, Cari Gardner, Ebenezer Satyaraj
- 抗Fel d1免疫グロブリンY抗体を含む卵成分は、猫の唾液中のアレルゲンレベルを低下させる
- Anti-Fel d1 immunoglobulin Y antibody-containing egg ingredient lowers allergen levels in cat saliva
Ebenezer Satyaraj, Qinghong Li, Peichuan Sun, Scott Sherrill
- 猫に対するフロセミドの静脈内、経口および経皮投与後の薬物動態
- Pharmacokinetics of furosemide after intravenous, oral and transdermal administration to cats
Meg M Sleeper, Patricia O’Donnell, Caitlin Fitzgerald, Mark G Papich
- 骨および関節病変がみられた猫のヒストプラスマ症:25頭の猫における臨床所見と診断所見
- Feline histoplasmosis presenting with bone and joint involvement: clinical and diagnostic findings in 25 cats
Susan E Fielder, James H Meinkoth, Theresa E Rizzi, Andrew S Hanzlicek, Ruth Mackenzie Hallman
- 64列のマルチディテクターCTによる猫の気管支と肺の血管構造の解剖学的評価
- 64-multidetector CT anatomical assessment of the feline bronchial and pulmonary vascular structures
Ioannis Panopoulos, Edoardo Auriemma, Swan Specchi, Alessia Diana, Marco Pietra, Anastasia Papastefanou, Eric Zini, Mario Cipone
- 猫の行動問題の治療に使用する向精神薬、サプリメント、フェロモンに対する飼い主の認識
- Cat owners’ perceptions of psychoactive medications, supplements and pheromones for the treatment of feline behavior problems
Emma K Grigg, Lori R Kogan, Karen van Haaften, Cheryl Kolus
- 腸間膜リンパ節から穿刺吸引したサンプルの逆転写酵素定量的PCRによる非滲出性猫伝染性腹膜炎の診断
- Diagnosis of non-effusive feline infectious peritonitis by reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR from mesenteric lymph node fine-needle aspirates
Dawn Dunbar, Wendy Kwok, Elizabeth Graham, Andy Armitage, Richard Irvine, Pamela Johnston, Michael McDonald, Dorothy Montgomery, Lesley Nicolson, Elise Robertson, William Weir, Diane D Addie
- 猫に血尿を起こすストルバイト結晶に関連する因子
- Factors associated with hematuric struvite crystalluria in cats
Chika C Okafor, David L Pearl, Shauna L Blois, Sandra L Lefebvre, Mingyin Yang, Elizabeth M Lund, Cate E Dewey
- 会陰尿道吻合術後の猫における術中ポジショニングが術後の神経機能に及ぼす影響
- Effect of intraoperative positioning on postoperative neurological status in cats after perineal urethrostomy
avel Slunsky, Mathias Brunnberg, Shenja Loderstedt, Alexander Haake, Leo Brunnberg
- 低用量ならびに高用量のブプレノルフィンを異なる剤型で直腸投与した場合の薬物動態
- Pharmacokinetics of low-dose and high-dose buprenorphine in cats after rectal administration of different formulations
Maike Schroers, Andrea Meyer-Lindenberg, Sven Reese, Britta Dobenecker, Korbinian Pieper
- 涙液欠乏症の猫の臨床所見:猫 10頭(17眼)の回顧的症例シリーズ
- Clinical features of cats with aqueous tear deficiency: a retrospective case series of 10 patients (17 eyes)
Lisa K Uhl, Akihiko Saito, Hiroko Iwashita, David J Maggs, Jonathan P Mochel, Lionel Sebbag
First Published November 12, 2018; pp. 944?950
- 猫におけるプラビックスとジェネリックのクロピドグレルのメタボロミクスと血小板凝集能測定の比較:パイロット研究
- Comparison of metabolomics and platelet aggregometry between Plavix and generic clopidogrel in cats: a pilot study
Mays Malkawi, Andrew D Woolcock, Pamela M Lee, Michael H Court, George E Moore, Daniel F Hogan
- ノミや食事誘発性ではない過敏性皮膚炎に対する掻痒をコントロールする目的でのマロピタントの使用:非盲検、非対照のパイロット研究
- Use of maropitant for the control of pruritus in non-flea, non-food-induced feline hypersensitivity dermatitis: an open-label, uncontrolled pilot study
Elisa Maina, Jacques Fontaine
- オーストラリアにおける猫の上部気道感染症と疾患
- Feline upper respiratory tract infection and disease in Australia
Dalton Nguyen, Vanessa R Barrs, Mark Kelman, Michael P Ward
- 健康な猫に電子フォン・フレイ麻酔分析計とSMALGOを用いた機械的閾値測定の評価者間および装置間の信頼性
- FInter-rater and inter-device reliability of mechanical thresholds measurement with the Electronic von Frey Anaesthesiometer and the SMALGO in healthy cats
Chiara Adami, Elena Lardone, Paolo Monticelli
- 腎機能障害のある猫における心臓トロポニンI
- Cardiac troponin I in cats with compromised renal function
Rebecca Langhorn, Lisbeth R Jessen, Anne S Kloster, Anders P Jensen, Jorgen Koch
- 猫のトイレにおけるAelurostrongylus abstrusus肺虫の幼虫の生存性
- Larval survival of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus lungworm in cat litters
Jessica M Abbate, Francesca Arfuso, Gabriella Gaglio, Ettore Napoli, Maria A Cavalera, Salvatore Giannetto, Domenico Otranto, Emanuele Brianti
- 縦隔嚢胞が認められ長期間生存した猫6頭
- Long-term survival in six cats with mediastinal cysts
Corrine M Camero, Zachary L Neumann, Laura D Garrett